Monday, April 18, 2011

Command Higher Prices A Mindset

 Your ability to command higher prices goes well beyond establishing the price, it requires the ability to hold on to your price in the face of tough negotiations. That requires a flexible mindset which is key to not only your influence but achieving your price.

Dale Furtwengler, author of the internationally acclaimed book, Pricing for Profit, is going to discuss some of the mindset factors that get in the way of your ability to command higher prices.   
Join us as you discover how you can get compensated for the tremendous value you provide.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Moving from Fear to Courage for a Leap of Faith

Fear is a natural human emotion. We fear physical pain and avoid it.  We fear the unknown and the lack of control it represents.   We fear commitment, because it makes us vulnerable to rejection and failure.  But in the end we often discover that our worst enemy is fear itself.
So we hesitate…in pursuing relationships…investing in business opportunities…and following through on visions and goals.
Except we know that fortunes are made when people chance it. Remarkable achievements come through acts of courage. And speculative risks gain windfalls from a leap of faith.
But how do you decide when to act or hold off?  How do you know if your hesitation is because of fear or instinct?  Where’s the line between courage and foolhardiness?
It begins with the realization that courage is not the absence of fear, but the determination to press on in spite of it.  A vision backed by a well thought-out strategy and plan of action. Still, unless you act, nothing happens.  So there’s a point of hesitation…a moment of resolution that hangs in the balance.  
Although fear is often along for the ride, it need not drive your decisions.  But how do you know whether to take a leap of faith or not? The answer is you can’t.  Not completely anyway. Because every risk carries a degree of uncertainty.  But there are rules of thumb that will help.  So let’s consider three possibilities to guide your decision process.
1.    You have the will to succeed, but you are not fully committed to it. In this case, you may need to increase your skills and abilities, or strengthen an uncertain variable. Ask yourself if your fear is rooted in something that is reasonable or unreasonable? Is it immobilizing you to a point that it’s overpowering your desire? Do you require more experience or knowledge in a certain area to gain confidence that you will achieve the results you want?

2.    You have a gut feeling that makes you uneasy although you can’t identify it exactly. As a general rule, follow your instincts because there’s a good chance they’re right. Consider putting things on hold to expand your awareness and seek different points of view. Another possibility is to try different approaches to a situation or activity.

3.    Keep in mind that actions originate with thought and success is fueled by positive thinking. Earl Nightingale, a legend in personal development, summed it up in his famous quote: “You are what you think about most.” His advice has helped millions of people find success. To view his 3-minute video on The Strangest Secret visit:
Remember that every great leader has failed at some point. Consider it your preparation for success. Referring to his life as an inventor, Thomas Edison said, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” Edison persisted until he succeeded. And he literally brightened our world. So can you.

©Copyright Mindscape | Essence of the Warrior Queen™
About the Author
Jennifer Touma is principle of Mindscape. She created the Essence of the Warrior Queen™: A New Breed of Woman leadership coaching and seminars exclusively for women driven to succeed in business, who want to connect with their own Warrior Queen Essence —  Confident | Decisive | in Charge – No Matter WHAT.

She is a certified mental game coach, author, practicing Martial Artist black-belt, motivational speaker, host of the radio talk show host and hosted her own cable TV show in leadership. For more information visit

©2011 Copyright Mindscape | Essence of the Warrior Queen™

Sunday, March 13, 2011

3 Ways Women Can Reach the C-Suite

The link below is an interesting and insightful 15 minute video by speaker Sheryl Sandberg. She shares with us reasons why there continues to be few women taking their place in the C-Suite and provides tips of how to get there.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Leadership Power and Charisma aren’t Enough for a Warrior Queen

Leadership Power and Charisma aren’t Enough to steer through the business challenges facing warrior queens today.  As a warrior queen your essence of influence originates from within YOU.  By using your intellectual capabilities of reason, perception and will it enables you to be confident, decisive and in charge no matter what is going on in the workplace.

Publilius Syrus, said "Anyone can hold the helm when the sea is calm," I agree. When business is experiencing few challenges it takes little effort to lead. But, it takes a warrior queen essence of balancing grace and true grit to gracefully handle the adversities and uncertainties of business.

You are a warrior queen: a new breed of woman. When facing your obstacles face them with confidence, decisiveness, and be in charge.   

Marianne Williamson captured this essence with this quote:  
“…We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?...There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you… And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Who is a Warrior Queen? She is a New Breed of Woman, of course!

Are YOU a Business Woman yearning to be empowered by the
Essence of the Warrior Queen … Confident | Decisive | In Charge 

A Warrior Queen inspires others during times of certainty and fear, steers the organization with grace and true grit, and occupies a position of authentic prominence with male colleagues.

Warrior Queen women-in-business inspire our awe and engage their teams from a place of authentic power and certainty.  They are empowered by a Warrior Queen Essence—Confident...Decisive…in Charge – No Matter WHAT.

Marianne Williamson captured this essence with this quote:  
“…We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?...There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you… And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
--------Essence of the Warrior Queen(tm): A New Breed of Woman(tm) coaching and seminars.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

What does Leadership have to do with Personal Safety in Business?

Essence of the Warrior Queen™ radio show by Mindscape is for women executives that are driven to succeed in business. The show is produced for women who want to be empowered by a Warrior Queen essence—Confident...Decisive…in Charge. Show topics include: leadership development, business challenges, and workplace safety. Women learn how to increase their leadership skills and take responsibility for their personal safety.

Essence of the Warrior Queen is a proprietary coaching strategy by Mindscape that is exclusively for women executives. It combines the mental disciplines in martial arts with modern leadership principles to create women executives that achieve success. The methods taught to enhance business performance create a heightened level of awareness and clarity of thinking that improves executive leadership abilities. Using these same strategies, women will anticipate, recognize, and ward off threats and potentially dangerous situations with confidence.